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Important thing: Take care of your eyes like this: Eye infection can make you blind, take utmost care of your eyes in changing weather.

Our eyes are the most important and delicate part of our body, so we should take the best care of them. Because in today's rainy season, there is a high risk of eye infection.

Problems caused by rubbing the eyes repeatedly.

Repeated rubbing of the eyes causes problems like allergy, itching, burning sensation, swelling of the eyelids, dryness of the eyes, lack of sleep and cold and cough and due to these reasons people rub their eyes repeatedly.

Problems caused by rubbing the eyes repeatedly.

Repeated rubbing of the eyes causes problems like damage to the eye tissue.

Dark circles may occur under the eyes.

Eyes may become dry.

Visibility may decrease.

 There may be swelling around the eyes.

Blood may appear on the white layer of the eyes.

If adults do this, they start having problems of entropion. In this disease, their eyelids turn inwards but this problem occurs after the age of 40 years.

Harmful effects on children due to rubbing eyes.

There is a fear of changing the size of the cornea due to children rubbing their eyes repeatedly.

If the blood vessels of the eyes break, the white layer may bleed and due to this, rubbing the eyes can also cause dark circles.

Take care of your eyes by following these tips.

1. Blink often.

2. Take a break from the screen every once in a while.

3. Protect your eyes from dust.

4. Make sure to get adequate sleep of 7-8 hours.

5. Drink plenty of water to keep the eyes hydrated.

6. Make sure to include food rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet.

7. If dust gets into the eyes, wash the eyes gently with water.

8. If there is itching or burning sensation in the eyes, contact the doctor immediately.
