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Health care: How long does food take to digest, is fiber important for health, the reaction of the digestive system to food.

From morning to night we keep eating a lot, we eat and drink whatever our heart desires, but do you know that we eat whatever we feel like eating, but the work of digesting it has to be done by our stomach. If we look at an example of this, then according to a study by the National Library of Medicine, chronic constipation is a common problem for every second person in India, but only these people know that 79% of people have chronic constipation, 10% have this problem occasionally and 10% have it often, while women have been more prone to chronic constipation than men.

10 tips to keep the digestive system healthy.

 Do not eat too much at once,

Have a light dinner,

Do a lot of physical activity,

Take fiber rich food,

Avoid sugar,

Eat green vegetables and fruits,

Stay away from trans fat and ultra-processed food,

Do not drink water immediately after eating,

Eat food slowly and chew it well, this will keep the digestive system healthy.

10 most easily digestible foods.




Broccoli, Tomato, Beetroot,

Green Vegetables,

Carrot, Radish, Sweet Potato,

Boiled Egg,

Yogurt or Curd,

Liquid Food etc.

Our digestive system works in such a way that the first work of digestion starts from the mouth itself like the saliva in our mouth which works to break the starch of the food, so the work of the enzymes present in the saliva is to do the process of food digestion. In our body, there is a door made of muscles on both the ends of the esophagus i.e. food pipe. This door opens when the food reaches there because one door is at the end of the mouth and the other is at the end of the stomach.

When the food passes through the esophagus and reaches the stomach, three enzymes named hydrochloric acid, mucus and pepsin are released in the stomach. 

Need for fiber.

There are two types of intestines in the body, small and large. Whatever is not absorbed in the small intestine reaches the large intestine, this is for fiber. Billions of microbes are present in the large intestine. If we talk about microbes, then these billions of bacteria, which live in our stomach, eat, sleep and in return give a lot of nutrition, if they do not get to eat their favorite food fiber, then they start eating the mucus layer of the stomach, so it is very important to feed them fiber and keep them happy. This is the reason why food should have a lot of fiber.

Time to digest food.

Generally speaking, it takes 24 to 72 hours for food to digest, it depends on what kind of food you have eaten and how much you have eaten.

The food that is digested the slowest in the stomach. Such as _ 

dairy products,


junk food,

French fries,

deep fried and spicy food and

high fat food etc.