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Demand for Vindhya's fruit barfi in Dubai: A fruit which even doctors advise to eat, priced between Rs 200 and Rs 800.

A special sweet of Vindhya which is quite famous because this region is considered quite different in terms of food in its state and know about its fruit barfi, it is prepared from different fruits, Kesarwani Pickle and Masala Bhandar located on Amhiya Road is famous for 151 varieties of pickles and 22 types of jams but this special fruit barfi made from Rewa is being liked a lot, its case is different because it is not prepared from khoya, but from fruit juice and its demand is in many districts of the state.

Start of the shop. Talking to the shop owner Srinivas Gupta, we came to know that this shop was started 20 years ago when his father started operating it at Narendra Nagar Mor. When he grew old, Srinivas took over the reins of the shop and about seven years ago the shop was shifted to Amhiya Road.

The sweets business started with a new idea.

Srinivas Gupta got a new idea that it would be good to run this sweet business along with pickles and jams, so he started the sweet business with this new idea. His wife supported him in this. Both of them worked together on it and gradually its demand started increasing. Pickles, barfi and papad are prepared on order according to the choice of the people. The customers who joined us 20 years ago still like to buy pickles, masala, papad and barfi from here because the material that is received on order is all fresh and its taste is also very good.

Reason for demand in the market.

 The main reason for the high demand of this unique barfi in the market is that eating it does not increase fat and the Amla Barfi available here has also been suggested by doctors because Amla removes the deficiency of Vitamin C. Besides this, this Barfi is also very beneficial for stomach patients. This Barfi is also beneficial for hair growth. It is made from different fruits. Barfi contains elements of Vitamin B, Vitamin C, protein, fiber and energy.

To make it, first the fruit is peeled and soaked in water overnight. In the morning, its seeds are taken out. After boiling it for hours in water, it is ground finely and then put in syrup prepared from jaggery or sugar. Its thick mixture is molded into a mold and kept for drying. After drying, it is cut. Chemicals or colors are not used to prepare barfi. It is completely herbal.
