Can excessive use of mobile phone cause cancer: what kind of claims are being made about the use of mobile phones, know in this report.
According to the report of the World Health Organization, although mobile phone has no relation with any kind of cancer, but it cannot be said that there is no harm from its use. In today's time, mobile phone is the reason for all kinds of problems and diseases of the eyes.
This is having a bad effect on the eyesight, due to which people's sleep is getting affected and the stress level is increasing. Lack of attention span is being seen in people. All this is very harmful for the 'quality of life'.
Disadvantages of excessive use of mobile.
If the report of Dr. Debashish Chaudhary, Senior Consultant and Clinical Lead, Surgical Oncology, Narayana Hospital is to be believed, then the following are some things which show the disadvantages of mobile.
Sleep is affected.
Eyes are under pressure due to which vision becomes weak.
Stress level increases.
Addiction and dependency increases.
Attention span decreases.
Patience level decreases.
Physical and mental development of children is affected.
On an average, people spend this much time on their phones.
Country Average Time Spend
Philippines 5 hours 20 minutes
Brazil 5 hours 19 minutes
South Africa 5 hours 15 minutes
Thailand 5 hours 2 minutes
India 4 hours 3 minutes
Russia 3 hours 56 minutes
Israel 3 hours 52 minutes
US 3 hours 39 minutes
China 3 hours 31 minutes
Japan 1 hour 54 minutes.
More than 70% people use smartphones.
According to a public report, 70% of the people in the world are using smartphones and in today's time, its trend has become quite common because it is being used by all types of people, from small children to people of old age.
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