Caution: Aadhaar data is not completely secure, clicking on wrong link can lead to loss of lakhs, keep your Aadhaar details safe, maintain your privacy.
Years ago the government had assured us that our Aadhaar card is safe in walls three feet below and five feet high. That means it is completely secure and safe, it can be linked and merged with any government site, any website and there can be no loss on it, but this is no longer the case. Now this claim of the government seems to be proved false, because now the government itself is saying that now your Aadhaar is no longer completely secure if you click on the wrong link, or share the OTP at the wrong place, and again. By scanning the code at the wrong place, you can become a victim of big fraud.
The case came forward.
Such a case has come to light in Bihar regarding fraud with Aadhaar. A person applied for land registration on the government portal in which he had to apply the Aadhaar card number so that he could get fingerprints because butter paper and a slicen sheet were placed on it, due to which ultra violet light was applied on the sheet. It was hit, thus Nakhli came to an end.
Spice Money System.
Spice Money System has been approved to link Aadhaar with the payment system, where you will come to know about the fraud being done by linking AAPS or Aadhaar Enabled Payment System, when you will get the message of amount debit in your phone.
Be careful.
After this scan, the government is advised to delink your bank account if it is not needed.
Lock your biometrics.
Limit maximum transactions.
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