Habits that take away the pleasure of becoming a mother, one out of six men is struggling with infertility, know what is the reason for this?
According to the report of 'Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction', there are 2.75 crore couples in the country who are suffering from infertility and every sixth couple has problems in their desire to have a child. This is the reason why the business of 'babymakers' i.e. IVF (in vitro fertilization) has increased rapidly in the country. Getting fertility in women!
8 such habits that do fertility.
Contraception- After having unprotected sex, sometimes women take such medicines which are contraceptives, otherwise contraceptive medicines are saved, sometimes injections are taken to prevent pregnancy, they are not safe for the body, which reduces the chances of becoming a mother.
Sexual Behaviour- There is a bad addiction to sex, here having sex with more than one partner increases the risk of infertility and it causes AIDS disease which promotes infertility.
Obesity- Excess of obesity reduces the chances of getting pregnant and more medicines have to be taken during IVF, taking medicines reduces the risk of pregnancy and body index should be 30 to conceive.
Tea Coffee- Taking tea and coffee more than two times a day causes problems in pregnancy, if the amount of caffeine in the body increases due to which the risk of miscarriage increases even if the pregnancy stops.
Alcohol- Women consuming alcohol have the lowest chances of getting pregnant because alcohol causes heart, liver diseases and calcium, iron deficiency in the body, due to which even if the pregnancy stops, their risk of abortion increases by 2.21%.
Healthy food and drink- By eating good food, women are more likely to get pregnant. Taking green vegetables, fruits and healthy nutritious food is only good for health and success is also achieved in staying pregnant, whereas if its quantity is less and eating rust food, the chances of sperm and egg formation are reduced.
Smoking- The fertility rate of women who smoke decreases by smoking, cotinine which is a poisonous substance in the body damages the DNA in the body, due to which the chances of pregnancy go down and eggs are not able to be formed in women.
Exercise- By eating and drinking wrongly and not exercising, eggs are made less, the chances of its release are reduced and there is a problem in conceiving, so exercising is necessary for pregnancy and health.
Gynecologist's opinion.
Dr. Suruchi Desai, Gynaecologist, says that
With increasing age, it becomes difficult for both male and female to fulfill their desire for a child, while the risk of genetic disorders and other diseases increases for the child born from late pregnancy.
Remedy for pregnancy.
1. Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for pregnancy.
2. Know the total cost of IVF treatment and do advance financial planning.
3. Problems may arise during LIVF treatment, keep yourself mentally prepared.
4. Emotional strength between husband and wife increases the success rate of IVF.
5. Success rate increases with good habits, yoga, exercise and relax mind, stay away from junk food and take healthy diet.
6. Ask the doctor about ways to detox the body before pregnancy and follow them.
7. Drink sufficient amount of water and do not take any medicine without asking the doctor.
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