Fitness Tips: Diseases like BP, cancer are away from doing asanas, Surya Namaskar can eliminate obesity and control diabetes!
The disease of chronic disease has increased rapidly after Corona, diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and cancer have been seen in young people, on Yoga Day on June 21, Mumbai Yoga Institute's Yoga Guru Hansa Ji Yogendra and Yoga instructor Saurabh Bothra told which are the simple yoga and pranayama which can save from these diseases.
1. Heart diseases: Bhujangasana is beneficial for heart diseases, it improves blood flow by strengthening the muscles of the heart and also improves blood circulation. By doing this, the back, lungs, shoulders, chest and lower part of the abdomen get better stretch and flexibility and it is able to deliver enough oxygen to the blood and all parts of the body.
2. Cancer: By the way, yoga cannot cure cancer, but still Tadasana and Trikonasana are such asanas which improve the energy level in the body and make it flexible, therefore it is believed that these asanas are useful for cancer patients. Relieves anxiety and stress, strengthens muscles and nervous system, helps cancer patients with deep breathing Ujjayi Pranayama, helps reduce cancer side effects, expels polluted air from the body, and yoga for cancer patients It is also useful in giving mental peace and positive energy.
3. Headache: Adhomukha Svanasana and Balasana for headache are helpful in helping to reduce its symptoms as it reduces tension and pranayama has also proved to be very useful for migraine headaches as it keeps the mind calm, steady and sharp. Are.
4. Alzheimer's: Sarvangasana is helpful for the circulation of blood in the brain for diseases like Alzheimer's. This asana is also helpful in removing the problem of insomnia i.e. not getting enough sleep at night. keeps it stable.
5. Diseases related to kidney: Pranayama like Dhanurvakrasana and Ardhamatsyendrasana increase kidney function by increasing blood flow and reducing swelling. Along with kidney, this illusion is beneficial for health. Do it in such a way that index fingers are placed on both ears Chant Om while keeping your mouth closed and during this inhale and exhale through your nose, do this 5-7 times.
6. Blood Pressure: Both Sukhasana and Shavasana are helpful in relaxation and relaxation to both body and mind as rechak pranayama can prove to be helpful in reducing high blood pressure. It is long exhalation pranayama, which balances blood pressure levels It is also helpful to do.
Tips: To make the body more flexible, eat less salt, it will be beneficial in yoga asanas and also reduce the risk of blood pressure for the body.
Do yoga only on an empty stomach, don't do yoga after having breakfast or food, or even if you eat food 3 hours before doing yoga, there is no problem.
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