Mobile Alert: A spur air came in the mobile of 42 crore people, beware of useless apps and notifications.
In today's time, million people are using mobile, but due to this mobile news, the increase in cybercrime is also increasing almost as fast, according to a new report, a spur air has entered 42 crore mobiles and here it is so dangerous. That the government has also issued a high alert for this.
This is the whole matter!
A computer emergency response team of our government has detected a new virus, which has entered the mobile phones of 22 crore people. According to the reporters, its name is being called Spin OK and we have such an app in our playstore only. Because of which this virus is spreading in mobile.
casino royal, jackpot king, v fly, MV bit, insta cash, gold miner piont, all these apps record all the information from our mobile and steal all the details and go somewhere else and store them on the secret server.
Note: Be careful that for now all such apps should be uninstalled and install a good anti virus.
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