Health Tips: The problem of indigestion is not to drink water while standing, know what is the right way to drink water.
Whenever we feel thirsty, we just immediately remember a glass full of water and start drinking water quickly. You have heard that elders used to say that we should sit and drink water. Recently a research was done in America and it also claimed that drinking water while standing can cause all kinds of diseases. The effect of the problems caused by drinking water while standing is not immediately visible, but as we grow older, its symptoms start appearing. Such as weak bones, kidney infection, swelling in the lungs, low oxygen level.
Keep these 7 important things in mind while drinking water.
Do not drink water while eating or immediately after it. Always drink water at room temperature. Don't drink chilled water. Do not drink water immediately after exercising. Do not drink the whole glass at once, drink water one sip at a time. Never drink water while lying down. Make a habit of drinking 2-3 liters of water daily and drink 1-2 glasses of water on an empty stomach after waking up in the morning.
There is harm to the body.
According to a research done by the National Center for Biotechnical Information, according to this report, drinking water while standing directly goes inside our body and harms the body, that is, our body does not get an essential nutrient of water, due to which There is a lot of damage to the heart and lungs.
There is a problem in the knees.
Standing and drinking water, there is a decrease in the liquid substance, due to which the problem of knee pain arises and in this way diseases like joint pain, poor quality arise, so drinking water while standing causes knee problems or knee pain. Can be made.
Benefits of drinking water while sitting.
We have come to know the disadvantages of drinking water while standing, but the benefits of drinking water while sitting reach the body, amazing benefits, know the benefits of drinking water while sitting.
How much water is needed by the body, by drinking water while sitting, it is well observed in all parts of the body and the rest of the water which is harmful for the body, goes out through the union and in this way the body gets water. is fulfilled.
Drinking water while sitting helps the body to balance electrolytes, along with this harmful substances do not enter the blood and the blood remains clean and the body gets essential minerals.
One of the biggest advantages is that the digestion system remains correct, the problem of swelling and bloating in the stomach also ends.
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