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Shilpkesh: How Shipla is made, what is its cost, know what is this beautiful looking pearl.

This wonderful metal, called Shipla in Marathi, is made here in a firm or in a fake pond. At least ₹ 5000, it is kept in a divorce and it takes a long time to be made, it comes from the river Shukla 8 or It costs ₹ 9 and by keeping it from the river to this artificial pond for a long time, surgery is done on it.

 Shipla is opened slightly. If you want to enter the heart from the side or if you want to enter the God, then a small piece of it is kept inside it, after keeping it, it is kept in this tank like a pond for one to one and a half years. Or after keeping one to one and a half years, it becomes a beautiful pearl and it is sold for at least one and a half hundred rupees and the material inside it is at least 10 to ₹ 15, that is, a shipla of ₹ 10. Came and your material cost 10 ₹ 15 in it, in the material worth ₹ 25, your beautiful pearl worth ₹ 100 is ready.

 And there are at least 2 pearls in this ship, which are sold in the market for dead hundred rupees, that is, there is a profit of 300 rupees and if it is furnished more, then this one pearl goes for at least ₹ 700. You can earn a profit of 3 to 4 lakhs annually from the tank i.e. from the tank.