Research: Can we stop our body from getting old, know what scientists have to say and how it was tested!
The people who look most beautiful in the young stage, they have the most tension that their age is increasing gradually and they are going towards old age, but it is a matter of thinking that can we stop our old age? Recent research has been done and what scientists have to say on this, the test was done in this way!
Scientists have done a research in the lab, in which they have learned how to make human skin, whenever someone's screen is damaged, they can remove the old one and install a new scheme through surgery.
Will be like this!
Blood will be extracted by inserting a needle into the human skin and stem cells will be separated from the extracted black. Stem cells are the only cells that are found in any brain, bone, human body, which can be changed. There is a problem that after moulting, their number starts decreasing in the body, but scientists have also taken a break from this. Can do but there is still a lot of work to be done on it, so keep yourself fit and stay away from consuming drugs.
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