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Discovery of Lithium: Lithium reserves found for the first time in India Lithium reserves of 5.9 million tonnes discovered in Jammu and Kashmir.

Talking about the present time, India has been dependent on other countries in the case of Letherium, but recently reserves of Letherium have been found in the country of India and 5 gold blocks have been detected, if we talk about Lethelium, here the laptop It is used in making batteries for mobile and electronic vehicles etc.

Lithium is a silver-white chemical metal, which is very light. In the last few years, lithium is being used in making batteries, lithium was first used in 1991 by Sony in the camcorder battery, now smartphones, laptops, electric Lithium used in vehicle batteries Lithium will account for 90% of the world's clean energy by 2040 Lithium batteries are more powerful and lighter than other batteries Currently 7 billion lithium ion batteries are sold annually in the world By 2027 15 billion lithium ion batteries are estimated to be sold every year 10 million electric vehicles in the world now, it is estimated to be 140 million by the end of the decade More electric vehicles in the world will mean the need for more lithium batteries.

What is the market size of Lithium in the world?

 Global Trade of Lithium in 2020: Rs 6667 Crore, Top-5 Exporter in 2020 China Rs 4661 Rs 2999 Crore, Chile Rs 556 Crore,

 America Rs 547 crore,

 Russia Rs 547 crore,

 Netherlands has been worth 129 crores.

Top-5 Importer in 2020, South Korea 4661 2999,

 Japan Rs 2510 crores, Belgium Rs 325 crores, India Rs 110 crores, Germany Rs 82 crores.

 Where are the largest reserves of lithium in the world (by 2021).

 Portugal 60 thousand metric tons, America 7.50 million metric tons, Chile 92 million metric tons, Brazil 95 million metric tons, Argentina 22 million metric tons, Zimbabwe' 2.20 million metric tons, Australia 57 million metric tons, China 15 million metric tons. 

 Those areas of Ukraine where reserves of lithium and titanium are found. Found in Zhytoryy, Sumy, Kiev, Chakansi, Khakiv, Kitovohrad, Donetsk, Mykolaiv, and Zaporizhzhya.