What are the common winter diseases and how to stay healthy during winter?
In India winter has arrived, on the one side winter is pleasant and on the other side it requires precautions to stay fit and healthy from cold flu, strep throat, ear infection, sinusitis and joint pain etc.
Let's see the common winter diseases occurs during winters:
1-cold and fever is the most common in the winter months and categorized by a running nose, chest congestion, sore throat, cough, sneezing, mild headache and fever.
2-influenza is a droplet infection with symptoms that are harsher than that of a common cold.
3-strep throat bacterial infection is more transmissible in the cold temperature and makes your throat sore or scratchy.
4-earaches or ear infection are common in young children as well as adults also, infections in your middle year are induced by cold or allergies that cause congestion and swelling in the air passages.
5-sinusitis is triggered by a cold allergies nasal polyps deviated septum facial trauma immune disorders and tumors.
6-severe joint pain caused by cold weather can reduce the blood circulation to your fingers and those which cause inflammation.
7-during winters people also suffer respiratory diseases such as asthma flare up,bronchitis pneumonia etc.
8-seasonal affective disorder or seasonal depression is a mood disorder that may be caused by the production of certain hormones produced in the brain.
9-cardiovascular diseases such as falling temperature in winter months mean that your blood pressure may increase. This sports a burden on your heart's ability to pump blood causing a risk of heart attacks.
To stay fit and healthy one can take the following precautions:
Stay active and drink plenty of liquid, especially water.
Stay warm and get enough sleep.
Wear a mask to cover your mouth and nose.
Eat a good diet consisting of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Wash your hands with warm water and soap.
Do regular exercises and physical activities.
Take a warm shower and spa.
Use disinfectants like antibacterial bites to clean surfaces.
Make your surroundings clean and tidy.
Wear clean and warm clothes.
Use disposable tissue for sneezing and coughing.
Avoid close contact from people who are sick.
Not sharing towels or household items with someone who has a cold.
Get meditation and keep your mind stress free.
Consult the physician as per seeing the one's condition.
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