Royal admin Group


Royaladmin Group is India's most respected, diversified media conglomerate. Founded in 2020 in  response to Emergency. it is entire ethos is underpinned by the central belief that an independent media is bedrock of republic or democracy.


Over 3 years, has diligently built on this principle.  Story after story and on every stage.  We have built a deep legacy of credibility and excellence, bi-partisanship. Widely acclaimed as a pioneer of journalism in the country. In a landscape marked by sharp poles.


It served up veteran stories, legendary journalists, veteran editors. It was famous for its meticulousness.


It reaches huge audiences daily and covers all topics that affect human affairs and from politics and economy to sports, satire, entertainment, luxury, health, weddings, technology, science, art, business, environment, sex, relationships, parenting, life. It is a multi-brand and multi-platform, multi-vertical media conglomerate.  But all its diverse canvases are held together by a common inextricable thread, credibility, excellence


Royaladmin Group is also distinguished by its constant innovation, reinvention and embrace of new technology. It is an integrated, cutting-edge organization that seamlessly feeds editorial content across its website, print, social media and digital entities, adding up to a massive cumulative reach.


Royal admin Global Roundtable - ROYALADMIN 's other roster of events variously address issues of social concern, local governance, literature and India's youth.


In times of global instability, media in all countries are in crisis and in a state of flux.  But through the inevitable cycles of tribulation and triumph, the Royal Admin Group has persevered, winning accolades for remaining steadfast, a torchbearer for independent and credible journalism.